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This is a nice quick and easy meal you can conjure up at home, and its also quite nutritious.
It has the essential proteins, carbs and vegetables to make for a very healthy meal.
All you need are a handful of ingredients to get you on your way to a quick and easy meal.

1. Boneless Chicken
2. Eggplant
3. Green Peppers
4. Cumin
5. Mustard Seeds
6. Tumeric
7. Tomato paste
8. Curry Leaves
9. Adobo Salt
10. "I can't Believe it's not Butter" cooking spray

If you have a small grill at home or even an outside grill that you have access to, grilling is probably the healthiest, easiest way to cook your meat and vegetables.
First, cut the boneless chicken and the vegetables into big pieces, large enough to fit into one bite.
Litely spread the crushed cumin, tumeric, mustard seeds and adobo salt onto the chicken and vegetables and sautee overnight.
The next day, remove the chicken and vegetables and place them on the grill until cooked. The vegetables should look slightly burned at the edges. This makes them tasty and juicy.
Once you are satisfied that everything is cooked, remove from the grill and place it in a pan, with the heat on medium. Stir in a quarter cup of water with tomato paste and allow to lightly boil.

Serve with Jasmine Rice or Pita Bread.

1 comment:

  1. This is quick and looks absolutely delicious! will make this and let you know how it goes. :) yummm-o
